Academic Articles
Issue 26, 2015
Kristin A. Scott, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and International Business, Minnesota State University, Mankato
S. Todd Weaver, Professor and Chair, Department of Business, Point University
Title: To Repair or Not to Repair: What is the Motivation?
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Dr. Sreejesh S, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Strategy, IBS Hyderabad, IFHE University
Donthanapalli, Hyderabad, Telangana (State), Pin 501 203, India.
Title: Consumers’ attitudinal and behavioural ties with brands: an integrative approach to build a consumer-brand relationship model
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Tanya Ryan, PhD Associate Professor Mass Communication Winona State University
Title: Green Intentions: An Exploratory Study on Advertising and the Environmental Movement
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Yanan Wang, Williams School of Business, Bishop’s University, 2600 College St., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, E-mail:
Title: The Divergent Effects of Mortality Salience of Self versus Mortality Salience of a Loved One on Materialistic Consumption
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