Journal of Research for Consumers
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Submission information

Contributions are welcomed from researchers in any consumption-related discipline. Manuscripts may be submitted by email to and are not to exceed 8000 words. Submissions are to be produced in Word, and to be double-spaced in 12 font Times New Roman print.

All submissions should be accompanied by a statement that the manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere.

All submitting authors agree to operate in an open and ethical manner regarding their research.  The JRC operates under the same standards as those set out by Elsevier's Publishing Ethics statement.  Please contact the editor if you have any further questions regarding this code of conduct.

In-text referencing is author date (e.g., Smith 2001). End references are to be fomatted as follows:

Karpatkin, Rhoda H. (1999), "Toward a Fair and Just Marketplace for All Consumers: The Responsibilities of Marketing Professionals," Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 18 (1), 118-122.

Mowen, John C. (1993), Consumer Behavior, 3rd edition, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Book chapters:
Patterson, Anthony and Stephen Brown (2000), "Marketers Wake! A Portrait of the Artist as a Marketing Man," in Stephen Brown and Anthony Patterson, eds. Imagining Marketing, London: Routledge, pp. 73-85.

Eventually, each manuscript is to be submitted in two formats:
1) a version appropriate for a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal and
2) an abbreviated version appropriate for a layperson readership.

In the first instance the academic version is to be submitted, with the non-academic version required upon acceptance.

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